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What is LTP and ATP in Share Market

What is LTP and ATP in Share Market

When navigating the share market, investors often encounter various metrics and terminologies that are crucial for making informed decisions. Among these are LTP (Last Traded Price) and ATP (Average Traded Price). Understanding these concepts is essential for both novice and experienced traders aiming to optimize their investment strategies. Let's get into what LTP and ATP mean in the share market, their significance, and how they impact trading decisions.

What is LTP in Share Market?

LTP, or Last Traded Price, refers to the most recent price at which a stock was traded. It represents the price of the last transaction made for a particular stock during the trading session. LTP is a dynamic value that changes frequently as trades are executed throughout the trading day.

Significance of LTP:

  1. Market Sentiment Indicator: LTP gives a real-time snapshot of a stock’s price, reflecting the current market sentiment. It shows how much buyers are willing to pay and sellers are willing to accept at any given moment.
  2. Reference Point: Investors and traders use LTP as a reference to gauge the immediate value of a stock. It is particularly useful for making quick buy or sell decisions.
  3. Volatility Gauge: Frequent fluctuations in the LTP indicate higher volatility, which can suggest potential trading opportunities or risks.

What is ATP in Share Market?

ATP, or Average Traded Price, is the average price at which a stock has been traded over a specific period during the trading day. It is calculated by taking the total value of shares traded and dividing it by the total volume of shares traded.

Significance of ATP:

  1. Trend Analysis: ATP helps investors understand the overall trend of a stock during a trading session. By comparing the ATP with the LTP, traders can gauge if the stock is trading above or below its average price, indicating bullish or bearish sentiment.
  2. Fair Price Indicator: ATP is often used as an indicator of the fair value of a stock during the trading day. It smooths out the price fluctuations and provides a more stable price reference.
  3. Volume-Weighted Analysis: Unlike LTP, ATP incorporates the volume of trades, offering a more comprehensive view of the trading activity and helping in making volume-weighted decisions.

Comparing LTP and ATP

Comparison of ATP (Average Traded Price) and LTP (Last Traded Price) in the context of the Indian stock market, with examples in Indian Rupees (INR).

Feature LTP (Last Traded Price) ATP (Average Traded Price)
Definition Most recent price at which a stock was traded. Average price at which a stock has been traded during a specified period.
Calculation Method No specific formula; it is the price of the latest trade. ATP = Total Traded Value / Total Quantity Traded
Time Frame Reflects the price of the latest transaction. Reflects the average price over a specific period, typically the entire trading day.
Market Sentiment Shows real-time market sentiment and current price. Provides a broader view of market sentiment over time.
Volatility More volatile, changes with each trade. Less volatile, smooths out price fluctuations.
Usage Useful for immediate trading decisions and real-time price information. Useful for analyzing overall trading trends and average trading behavior.
Example Calculation If the last trade was at Rs 800, the LTP is ₹800. If the total traded value is Rs 10,50,000 and the total traded volume is 10,000 shares, ATP is 10,50,000/10,000=Rs 105
Practical Implications Crucial for day traders to make quick buy/sell decisions. Helps both day traders and long-term investors understand average price trends.

While both LTP and ATP provide valuable insights, they serve different purposes in stock market analysis:

- LTP gives the latest market price, making it crucial for real-time trading decisions.

- ATP offers an average price over a period, providing a broader perspective on price movements and market trends.

By understanding the interplay between LTP and ATP, investors can make more informed decisions. For instance, if a stock’s LTP is significantly higher than its ATP, it may indicate strong buying interest and potential price momentum. Conversely, if the LTP is lower than the ATP, it could signal selling pressure.

Practical Application of LTP and ATP

Investors and traders use LTP and ATP in various strategies:

  1. Day Trading: Day traders closely monitor LTP for executing trades quickly based on real-time price movements. They also use ATP to determine entry and exit points by comparing it with LTP.
  2. Swing Trading: Swing traders use the relationship between LTP and ATP to identify potential trend reversals or continuation patterns over a few days or weeks.
  3. Long-term Investing: While long-term investors may not rely on LTP as much, ATP can be useful for assessing the average purchase price of a stock over a period and planning entry points.


Understanding what LTP and ATP mean in the share market is fundamental for effective trading and investment strategies. The Last Traded Price (LTP) provides real-time market information, while the Average Traded Price (ATP) offers a broader perspective on the stock's price movements. By leveraging both these metrics, investors can gain deeper insights into market dynamics and make more informed decisions.

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